The Processes Of Defining Corporate Responsibility: A Study Of Swedish Garment Retailers’ Responsibility
Egels Zandén Niklas, 2006
Name of publisher/editor
Business Strategy and the Environment
Jenny Ählström
Geographic area
Summary & key words
Despite extensive research on corporate responsibility, little research exists on how the inter-organizational processes of defining corporate responsibility develop. In this paper, we present a framework based on actor-network theory (ANT) for analysing these processes. The developed framework is illustrated in a study of the redefinition of Swedish garment retailers’ responsibilities for workers’ rights at suppliers’ factories between 1996 and 2004. We show that definition processes can be characterized as battles for the right to interpretation, and that traditionally non-dominant actors can, at least temporarily, win these battles and dictate the development of the processes for defining corporate responsibility. We also show that definition processes can take an exclusionary form prohibiting certain actors from participating.