Multiple Institutional Logics In Union–NGO Relations: Private Labor Regulation In The Swedish Clean Clothes Campaign

Egels Zandén Niklas, 2015

Name of publisher/editor

Business Ethics: A European Review


Kajsa Lindberg , Peter Hyllman

Geographic area


Summary & key words

Conflicts between labor unions and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) often impede private labor regulatory attempts to protect worker rights at supplier factories. Based on a study of a failed private regulatory attempt for Swedish garment retailers, we contribute to existing research into union–NGO relations by demonstrating how conflict arises because unions and NGOs act upon different institutional logics. We also contribute to the institutional logics perspective by challenging the current emphasis on either coexistence or conflict among multiple logics, and showing the heterogeneity in how multiple logics manifest on a local level, how this could shift over time, and suggesting an empirically derived typology of manifestations of multiple logics.
