Labour in global production networks in India. Edited by Anne POSTHUMA and Dev NATHAN
Nadvi Khalid, 2012
Name of publisher/editor
International Labour Review
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Summary & key words
Further reading 369 course, the rebalancing process currently under way also has serious implications for the OECD economies; although the focus of the book is on developing countries, it provides much food for thought on sustainable economic growth and corporate competitiveness in developed countries as well. The OECD is undertaking different activities to investigate the impacts of GVCs on national economies and their implications for government policies. More detailed analysis needs to be conducted both to examine the position of countries within global production networks and to explore which policies they pursue to benefit from the new international organization of production. Overall, existing data and indicators fall short of capturing the impact of GVCs, hence the need for developing more and better policy evidence. Labour, global production networks, India