CHAN Jenny
Associate Professor of Sociology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Social Sciences
Membership statement
Co-author of the following books:
Jenny Chan, Mark Selden and Pun Ngai. 2020. Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and the Lives of China’s Workers. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books; and, London, UK: Pluto Press. 300 pages. (ISBN: 978-1-64259-124-8 and 978-0-7453-4129-3
Yang, Jenny Chan, Xu Lizhi, Li Fei y Zhang Xiaoqio (2019) La máquina es tu amo y señor [The Machine is Your Lord and Your Master]. Translated in Spanish. Virus Publishing House.
- Buy with 1-Click Independent Contracting and Migrant Workers in China’s Last-Mile Delivery
- The Foxconn Suicide Express
- Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle: A Conversation
- After the Foxconn Suicides in China: A Roundtable on Labor, the State and Civil Society in Global Electronics
- Hunger for Profit: How Food Delivery Platforms Manage Couriers in China.
- State-Labor Relations and the Emergence of Grassroots Workers' Organizations in China.
- Dreams and Defiance in Foxconn City: An Interview with Jenny Chan
- Worker Organizing in China: Challenges and Opportunities.
- “Labor Practices in Apple’s Supply Chains in China.” Pp. 266-71 in Case Studies in Work, Employment and Human Resource Management
- “Employee Voice in China.” Pp. 524-38 in Handbook of Research on Employee Voice: Participation and Involvement in the Workplace
- A Precarious Worker-Student Alliance in Xi’s China
- Intern Labor in China
- A suicide survivor: the life of a Chinese worker
- The Apple Way to Make Products: Response to Apple's 10th Supplier Responsibility Progress Report 2016
- The politics of global production: Apple, Foxconn and China’s new working class
- Jenny Chan. 2017. “#iSlaveat10.” Made in China: A Quarterly on Chinese Labour, Civil Society, and Rights. Volume 2, Issue 3, Chinese Labour in a Global Perspective, July-September, pp. 20-23.
- Jenny Chan. 2017. “Robots, Not Humans: Official Policy in China.” 1 November. New Internationalist (UK).
- Jenny Chan and Mark Selden. 2017. “Apple and Foxconn in the Trump Era.” Pp. 118-22 in “China’s Goal: Hegemony or Global Partnership?” China’s World, Vol. 2, Issue 2, November. London: Huawen Institute.
- The Labour Politics of China’s Rural Migrant Workers
- Precarization and Labor Resistance : Canada, the USA, India and China
- Challenges of Dispatch Work in China
- Jasic Workers Fight for Union Rights
- State and labor in China, 1978–2018
- Migrate to (not) be ‘gurus’: Unpacking workplace masculinity in China’s tech sector