Collective Action as a Prerequisite for Economic and Social Upgrading in Agricultural Production Networks

Scherrer Christoph, 2019

Name of publisher/editor

Centre for Agrarian Research and Education for South (CARES)


Ismail Doga Karatepe

Geographic area


Summary & key words

« This article highlights the importance of collective action and the role of the state in upgrading the social and economic conditions of farm- workers and smallholders. It is argued that economic upgrading does not automatically translate into social upgrading for workers and small producers and explores the conditions conducive to social upgrading. The asymmetric power relations among actors in the agricultural value chain erect barriers that hinder social upgrading of smallholders and farmworkers. Collective actions of those who are currently underprivi- leged in the agricultural value chains and the efforts of states can dis- mantle these barriers. Drawing on theories relating to power resources and the state, the article documents three successful examples from Pakistan and Brazil where collective action and state involvement have partially dismantled barriers against upgrading. »

Karatepe & Scherrer 2019 Collective Action as a Prerequisite for Economic and Social Upgrading in Agricultural Production Networks
